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HomeEventsZoom Program: StrongerMemory, Wednesdays through April 16, LFV Members & Volunteers Only

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Zoom Program: StrongerMemory, Wednesdays through April 16, LFV Members & Volunteers Only

Date and Time

Wednesday, January 29, 2025, 3:00 PM until 4:00 PM


Virtual Event
Bethesda , MD  20816

Event Contact(s)

Margaret Warker



Registration Info

Registration is required

About this event

Stronger Memory Interactive Program Via Zoom

12 sessions via Zoom

Wednesdays, January 29 through April 16, 3-4 pm

StrongerMemory is a breakthrough program that helps improve brain health by enhancing cognition, memory and recall. Goodwin Living designed it for everyone, whether you simply strive to thrive as you age or have a diagnosis of mild cognitive impairment. With simple exercises, StrongerMemory stimulates the part of the brain that helps retrieve memories. It is easy, fun and the outcomes have been impressive—demonstrating improvement in memory!

Enjoy weekly meetings via Zoom to connect and share. Participants are also encouraged to complete 20-30 minutes of daily exercises on their own (reading aloud, writing, and quickly completing simple math problems).

Our experienced facilitator will Roberta McGregor, EdD, MSN, RN. Roberta is a Registered Nurse with over 30 years’ experience in acute care education and academia. A limited number of spaces in this program are being generously offered to us by a sister Village, At Home in Alexandria (AHA).

* Participants will need a workbook available online from Goodwin Living for $17.50:

*Bring paper and pen to meetings for journaling and other activity.

Class size is limited. A waiting list will be taken. AHA will send the Zoom login to confirmed registrants. 

Contact Roberta McGregor, program leader
Call/Text: (703) 598-1390

Offered to LFV by AHA 

Registration Link:


Little Falls Village

4701 Sangamore Rd, S-232
Bethesda, MD 20816
(301) 320-3267